Hope Ministries

My sixth-grade class went to Hope Ministries for a service learning project. Before I went, I had never really thought about how blessed I am. I have food, shelter, a great family, and the things that many people take for granted.

When we arrived, they took us on a tour, showing us where they pack food, clothing, and birthday supplies. This is one of the many things that I didn’t think about. Some kids’ parents don’t have the resources to throw their kids birthday parties. But thanks to Hope Ministries, they get a “birthday bag.” These include cake mix, frosting, party decorations, and small party favors. While we were there, we also packed backpacks that included non-perishable food items, water bottles, and blankets.

This project, in particular, had a major effect on me. It made me realize how many things I have that I take for granted. It is a great service learning activity and I am thankful that St. Timothy Catholic School gives the students this opportunity.

“For the Son of man himself came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

By: Molly Brue