
Catholic Identity

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Saint Timothy School Catholic Identity & Spiritual Life

St. Timothy Catholic School has a unique spiritual life.  The students’ attend an all school Mass once a week and our priests, Fr. Rick Bolte and Fr. Ross Kelsh plan their homilies specifically for our students.  The students are actively involved throughout the entire Mass through serving, lecturing,  and singing in our school choir.  All of our students attend Adoration and Benediction on the First Friday of each month and each student participates in the sacrament of reconciliation once a month as well.


Our middle school students have the opportunity to journal back and forth with our priests through our “Father Files” program.  This program gives our older students an opportunity to write our priests and ask them specific questions about the faith, Mass, their vocations….the list goes on and on.  All of our students participate in faith teams where the students are divided into groups with mixed grade levels, this develops a sense of community and comrodary.  These groups meet once a month and complete fun-filled activities for all ages and as a result, our older students really take care of our younger students and the younger students tend to look at our middle school students as role models.


We begin our day with student directed prayer intentions, information on the saint of the day and communal prayer over the daily announcements.  Our students also participate in communal prayer as a decade of the Rosary is said each day (grades 3-8).  Students pray prior to snack, lunch and at the end of the day.  Our students are excited about their faith because of the way that our teachers present to them.  The students have a lot of activates to assist them in not just hearing about their faith, but experiencing their faith!  Our faith especially comes to life through our Service Learning Program. 


Students Speak is an opportunity for students meet in small groups by grade level and express the social, emotional, and academic environment and where there is room for growth and improvement.  It gives the students an opportunity to express themselves on a personal level to the principal and priest.  Student Speak helps foster a personal relationship between students and school leadership and a shared interest in a healthy school environment. 

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We are making a difference while helping others and learning.

Saint Timothy Catholic School has participated in Service Learning for the past six years and this dedication to helping others will be a vital part of our faith in action within the curriculum.  Saint Timothy Catholic School and Preschool have received the Jefferson Award for Public Service for the past six years.  We are unwavering in our commitment to be a Service Learning School!